• Optional
    51 month ago

    Fuckery is afoot.

  • RubberDuck
    21 month ago

    I don’t get the whole registering to vote. You know people’s adress and eligibility to vote, send them a voter registration card. Card and ID are needed to vote. You give the person at the voting station your card and show him your ID, you get verified, checked off in the central registry and handed a ballot to vote.

    If you want to make really sure someone cannot vote twice, you have them dip their index finger in blue ink that does not wash off for 3 days.

    Voting for someone else is done with their voter card, signed by the person and a copy of their ID. max 2.

    This is how most European countries vote, right? (No blue ink).

    • @calcopiritus
      41 month ago

      Am European. We get assigned a voting station (the one closest to your residence). This way you can’t vote twice. You only appear in one station’s voting list, and once you vote you are checked off.

    • @Etterra
      1 month ago

      It’s a deliberate attempt to stop or reduce a certain group (usually a minority but always a group they know will vote for their opposition) from voting. The “stop voter fraud” things is a fabrication.