• @Yawweee877h444
    1129 days ago

    I dont really support this for important reasons, but won’t gripe about it much.

    The problem I have with things like this is, people shouldn’t be encouraged to have kids due to monetary rewards in any fashion. And there will undeniably be some bad apples who will have a kid because of the money, when they otherwise wouldn’t. Bad reason to have a kid. I feel bad for the kids.

    However, I’d support it regardless even if I disagree with it conceptually. Although there will undoubtedly be some abuse of the system, there will also undoubtedly be many honest parents out there in situations where the money will be extremely helpful. So good.

    • @[email protected]
      828 days ago

      $6k is the average cost of a child birth so not going far with it unless you have traditional health insurance. Even then, kids are expensive.

      • @Yawweee877h444
        628 days ago

        Not the point. There will be some low income, low educated people to see the 6k as a reason to go for it just because of the money. Some low educated people do unfortunately think that way. Even so im still glad it will help people in need.

        Regardless and more importantly, if we had socialized, single-payer medicaire for all, this 6k wouldn’t even be necessary. I’d rather push for this than a one time cash payout. Since there will be hospital bills and insurance co-pays and whatnot for having a child, this 6k is almost an indirect subsidy directly to the insurance companies. And it’s paid for by tax dollars.

        And unfortunately single payer isn’t even an issue discussed publicly any more.

    • @lemmus
      629 days ago

      $6k isn’t going to be very profitable, but this tax credit would help parents raise their kids free of financial hardship. It’s $500 per month, and food, diapers, clothing, equipment, and unpaid leave aren’t cheap!

    • @[email protected]
      228 days ago

      Kids cost far more than this, so if someone did this for the money, they’re just shooting themselves in the foot.

      It would be incredibly valuable for first-time parents, many of whom get caught off guard by the costs.

  • @[email protected]
    929 days ago

    Cost of living keeps going up each year, especially for raising a child. Young folks are statistically waiting longer or opting not to have children. Statistically, you start making fewer babies than elderly dying off. At some point, if you don’t anything, the “replacement rate” falls low enough so you’re heading toward a demographic time-bomb.

    Countries like South Korea and Japan have been fighting this realization for twenty years. They’ve tried all these steps, from appealing to patriotic duty, to creating official dating/matchmaking apps, to offering tax breaks and outright cash grants. The only thing that works is to import people from places with the reverse issue – too many babies. But that is both a cultural and political hot-button issue. Don’t really see any other way out.

    • @moistclump
      128 days ago

      Which I think is ok IF there’s enough immigration and appeal to people moving over to balance it out. But. Yeh. America may not have a good time.

  • @[email protected]
    929 days ago

    Makes sense pretty close to subsidizing child birth. Great way to break the burden on lower income families with high deductible or no health insurance.

  • @riodoro1
    829 days ago

    Oh yes, too few humans being born, that’s our problem!

    • @[email protected]
      728 days ago

      It is when you’re trying to run a pyramid scheme. How else are those at the top expected to stay there if they don’t have a large foundation of exploitable young minds?

      • @riodoro1
        128 days ago

        Wait. So the global economy is just a Ponzi scheme?

  • @Linkerbaan
    428 days ago

    Free beer promises always get delivered

  • @hexadence
    328 days ago

    The meat grinder is starving. RIP

  • FuzzyRedPanda
    128 days ago

    I would give anything for the US congress to pass legislation for 1 year of paid maternity leave (and some paid paternity/other parent leave as well).

    But that might be seen as healthcare, and we can’t have that. We must preserve the cruelty of the privatized, for-profit health system.

  • Cam
    -2829 days ago

    Money printer go brrrrrrrrrrrrr

    • @GenitalHurricane
      29 days ago

      The more generous tax credits could lift millions of children out of poverty and aid middle-class families with the cost of raising kids, but it could come with a hefty price tag, according to the nonpartisan Tax Foundation, which pegs the 10-year cost at $1.6 trillion.

      Even so, that could be less expensive than a competing proposal from Sen. JD Vance, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, who said he wants to boost the CTC to $5,000. That could cost somewhere between $2 trillion to $3 trillion over the next decade, the nonpartisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget told CBS MoneyWatch.

      Come on, orange fan, say something fucking smart

      • @andrewta
        428 days ago

        Just because he doesn’t agree with this policy doesn’t make him a fan of Trump. It’s a stupid argument.

        • @GenitalHurricane
          -128 days ago

          10 seconds looking at this user’s comment history makes it obvious who they support, you could try that. Then take into consideration their comment here focuses exclusively on spending and cost of a program. Then take into consideration their candidate wants to spend even more. Try looking a little harder beyond surface level. Your comment is bad

          • Cam
            28 days ago

            Yes, because I criticize the blue flavored popsicle for the 2024 American selection, it must oviously mean I prefer and like the red flavored popiscle for the 2024 America selection who would be the bad orange man. It has to be binary. 0 or 1 right?


            • @GenitalHurricane
              028 days ago

              This https://lemmy.world/comment/11405910

              Regurgitating the orange flavor popsicle propaganda about election integrity contrary to the very court convictions taking place showing who tried and failed (orange popsicle) basically display you are in denial or disconnected from reality to make a follow-up comment like that. I asked you to say something smart, not a meme about yourself

              • Cam
                028 days ago

                Don’t you have hobbies bro or do you dig though users comment history all day?

                And what do you want me to say, “Elections are real”?

                Look, 2020 was a rigged election. Just look into it. And since 2020 was rigged, why vote again?

                I guess by not voting and telling people that voting is pointless makes me a Republician now, who knew!

                • @GenitalHurricane
                  28 days ago

                  It took me less than a minute to look at your most recent 12 comments, certainly my day is longer than 60 seconds… So no, not all day.

                  Literally today you commented outrage at a clearly disproven and marked false story about DNC dying the Chicago River red, a ridiculous thing to believe in the first place. Pardon me for questioning your critical thinking skills about literally anything else.

                  If you aren’t being paid to act this way and sew confusion on the platform then I am truly sorry about your brain rot or whatever is wrong. There is help to be found.

    • @[email protected]
      029 days ago

      As does boosting economic activity and providing aid to vulnerable people at a difficult time in their life. It sure as hell beats corporate bailouts and bloated military spending.

      • Cam
        -228 days ago

        You get a car! And you get a car! I hope I get a car and bail out before hyperinflation kicks in.