• @littlewonder
    177 months ago

    In addition to progressives, I’d think men who believe child support is oppression would also be fighting for accessible abortions. They seem to be pretty silent about it, unfortunately.

    • @[email protected]
      77 months ago

      Well, the guys who think child support is oppression are also just super not into other people’s needs. So, oppressing another class of people is right up their alley.

      • @[email protected]
        37 months ago

        I feel the guys who think child support is oppression are sovcits. It would also be right up their alley.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          It works reasonably well for those that benefit, yea. But for those who don’t stay with the biological mother, your income gets slashed by 20%, reason he damned. No consideration for your well being, your needs, your life, your ability to feed and house yourself. None. You’re a piggy bank, that’s it.

          That’s how child support works. I’ve never experienced adult life without it. If you lose your job, you lose your freedom. Period. Even if it’s out of your control.

          You’re on disability? You get $0.

          You’re behind on payments? You lose your license because of that? Get fucked loser.

          Oh you lost your job that doesn’t pay enough to feed you because we took your car? Get fucked.

          You’re too far behind, because we stole your ability to make money? Well, now you’re in jail. Interest doesn’t stop though.

          Your kids finally turn 18? Too bad, you have to pay all of the accumulated interest from the times we threw you in jail, after taking your car, your job, and your house. Can’t do that? Fuck you, loser. The government eats that money, mom never sees a penny.

          The amount you see your child, or take care of your child, doesn’t matter in this scenario. If you have a child outside of the way the government wants you to, you’re fucked.

          Deadbeats and active fathers get treated the same, and that’s a problem.

    • @[email protected]
      16 months ago

      Maybe if Paper abortion existed. But as it stands, the ability of an abortion to free a man from child support duties depends on his ability to convince someone else to get an abortion.