When it comes to talk of whether aliens have visited Earth or if UFO sightings are actually not of this world, no event is as iconic or widely debated as that of the Roswell Incident of 1947. This mystery unfolded in the prairie landscapes of New Mexico, just north of Roswell, where an alleged UFO crash sparked an enduring controversy that we continue to talk about today.

The incident fueled conspiracy theories that claimed that the government covered up the debris from an alien spaceship. By 1994, the US Air Force released a report that concluded that the crashed UFO was a top-secret nuclear test surveillance balloon from Project Mogul.

When one reporter questioned what would happen if the public didn’t accept this explanation, as they had not accepted the others, the Air Force spokesperson stated that perhaps they would be back with another report. The release of the report only seemed to intensify the public’s curiosity and suspicion surrounding the incident, with many pointing out inconsistencies and gaps in the official narrative