Prem Thakker shares his sober realizations after two days at the DNC.

My second day at the Democratic National Convention led to a realization. For all the talk about mass protests and heightened security, about disruption and the pro-Palestinian movement overtaking events, things have not materialized in a way that’s taken any kind of spotlight away from the DNC.

If anything, the DNC – its delegates, the headline speeches, the whole vibe – seems so insulated that one could assume there isn’t a genocidal war, with more than 40,000 Palestinians killed, that the Biden-Harris administration is currently fueling.

Based on how attendees have behaved, one could assume Gaza is no big deal really, a now-rote nuisance some have to merely account for in their daily motions.

  • @TokenBoomerM
    321 days ago

    So much for the comparisons to 1968.