

In 1964, Brazilian president João Goulart was overthrown in a U.S-backed military uprising that led to 21 years of dictatorship in Brazil.

Ahead of the October 2022 elections, Biden was concerned about the possibility of President Bolsonaro winning a second term, so a campaign was launched to ‘protect the integrity of the election.’

One U.S official described it as “a very unusual engagement” in Brazil’s elections.

It involved multiple branches of the U.S government, including the military, the CIA, the State Department, the Pentagon, and the White House.

Before the elections took place, Bolsonaro warned that the electronic voting machines used by Brazilian authorities were unreliable and called for a paper ballot instead.

His request was denied.

On 22 November, Bolsonaro and his party asked the Superior Electoral Court to invalidate the votes recorded by electronic voting machines that lacked identification numbers, which would have resulted in him being elected with 51% of the remaining votes.

The court rejected the request and fined his party $4.3 million for what they called “bad-faith litigation.”

Lula was sworn into office on January 1, 2023.

Source: Financial Times

[1 Image, left Brazil Bolsonaro, right Biden]

Source: https://x.com/MarioNawfal/status/1829429381430723053