Jean Jaurès (1859 - 1914)

Sat Sep 03, 1859


Jean Jaurès, born on this day in 1859, was a leading French Socialist politician and outspoken critic of World War I. He was assassinated by a French nationalist at the war’s outbreak.

Initially a moderate republican, Jaurès later became one of the first social democrats, eventually leading the French Socialist Party, which opposed Jules Guesde’s revolutionary Socialist Party of France. The two parties merged in 1905 in the French Section of the Workers’ International (SFIO).

Today, a key aspect Jaurès’ legacy is his antimilitarism. Jaurès was an early opponent of the draft and desperately tried to prevent war between France and Germany before World War I, going so far as to try and organize a general strike in both countries to force their leaders to negotiate diplomatically.

In 1914, Jaurès returned to Paris from a diplomatic meeting in Brussels to advocate against the coming war. He was assassinated by a French nationalist at the outbreak of World War I, and remains a key historical figure of the French Left.

“Tradition does not mean to look after the ash, but to keep the flame alive.”

- Jean Jaurès

    • @jimmydoreisalefty
      -414 days ago


      Thanks for sharing that information with us!

      The station was originally called Rue d’Allemagne (“Street of Germany”). On 1 August 1914, just before the outbreak of World War I, the name of the street and the station were changed to Jaurès as a result of the rising tensions with Germany, a day after the assassination of Jean Jaurès (1859–1914).[1] Boulogne–Jean Jaurès on line 10 is also named in honour of him. The station Berlin on line 13 was also renamed to Liège for similar reasons.[1]

      Station de métro Jaurès

      Métro Jaurès

      La station de métro parisienne de Jaurès est située sur la Ligne 2, la ligne 5 et la ligne 7 Bis du métro de Paris. Elle est desservie en correspondance par les bus 26 et bus 48.

      Le premier métro de la ligne 2 du réseau RATP à la station de Jaurès part à 5h30 du matin, le dernier métro de la ligne 2 passe à 0h43.[2]

      French to English:

      Métro Jaurès

      The Jaurès Paris metro station is located on line 2, line 5 and line 7 Bis of the Paris metro. It is served by bus 26 and bus 48.

      The first RATP line 2 subway to Jaurès station leaves at 5:30 a.m., and the last line 2 subway leaves at 0:43 a.m.

      1. [1]ès_station ↩︎

      2. [2] ↩︎