Robinson, who is running for governor as a Republican, has publicly backed the current ban in the state, which restricts abortion after 12 weeks.

A Democratic group has released new audio of North Carolina Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson, who is running for governor, saying that he wants to get abortion restrictions down to “zero” weeks.

In the audio, which the group said was recorded on Sept. 3 at a Robinson campaign event in Troy, N.C., a woman asked Robinson about his stance on abortion and why he was supporting North Carolina’s current 12-week ban on the procedure.

Robinson replied by saying, “That 12 weeks, exceptions for rape and incest … I’m not going to say it’s reasonable. But my faith allows me to live with that, because that’s where the consensus is. Do I want to continue to lower it? You better know it. I would love to get down to six weeks. And I’d like to get down to zero. I would like to push it back as far as we could and eliminate as many abortions as we can.”

  • Billiam
    1246 months ago

    I would like to push it back as far as we could and eliminate as many abortions as we can.

    Funny thing about that: abortion bans don’t actually reduce the number of abortions; it just reduces the number of safe ones.

    • @rayyy
      176 months ago

      abortion bans don’t actually reduce the number of abortions

      Nor will it reduce the number of rich Republican abortions.

    • rhythmisaprancer
      136 months ago

      The movie “Revolutionary Road” demonstrates this very well. And some other topics relavent to today.

  • AtomicHotSauce
    626 months ago

    Oh look, it’s another piece of Republican shit. So fucking tired of these brain dead fuck stains.

  • @NotMyOldRedditName
    6 months ago

    Does he realize that women are considered pregnant two weeks prior to conceiving?

    • Flying Squid
      126 months ago

      No, he doesn’t understand women’s bodies. They are strange and mysterious things and not for the likes of menfolk.

      • @Kayday
        66 months ago

        He probably was educated about human anatomy by Dr. Leo Spaceman.

    • @affiliate
      96 months ago

      im not sure if the average republican voter is capable of understanding advanced concepts like “negative numbers”

  • @Carvex
    406 months ago

    Any politician want to make an argument against abortion that doesn’t involve “muh faith”? I wish he would explain his plan for the thousands of unwanted children forced to be born that no one wants as a result of his policy choice. I’m sure this guy is totally for free, unlimited birth control also…

    • @[email protected]
      486 months ago

      Any politician want to make an argument against abortion that doesn’t involve “muh faith”?

      I live in NC and have unfortunately been exposed to this guy’s campaign ads on several occasions. While his religion is definitely a factor in his policies, there’s also just good old-fashioned misogyny. He regularly frames abortions as only being necessary because women “can’t keep their legs closed” and crap like that.

      And that’s barely scratching the surface. If you want the abridged version, check out his Wiki page:

      The guy is a total nutjob.

    • @halcyoncmdr
      206 months ago

      As soon as I hear any politician mention faith, I know for a fact whatever they’re trying to do is bullshit and likely immoral. They default to faith when there is no real justification for whatever they’re trying to push. They always try to claim that because of their faith, that it is inherently moral. As if everything is black and white and grey doesn’t exist at all.

      But not everything in their chosen book of faith actually applies to every situation, and some can just be ignored now. But never these sections and those ones aren’t important. So this is black and white, but not other things they decide are related to their faith, those can be a grey area when they want them to be.

  • Chozo
    386 months ago

    I’m not going to say it’s reasonable. But my faith allows me to live with that

    “I don’t care that I’m wrong.”

    • cum
      106 months ago

      Anyone who thinks this has zero business deciding policies

  • @Crackhappy
    326 months ago

    He could eliminate all his concerns by performing a post term abortion on himself.

    • @cultsuperstar
      206 months ago

      I’m really amazed at how many people think post term abortions actually occur. And not just from Trumpers. I was speaking with a lady the other day, college educated, who said it happens. I was like “so murder? You think doctors are murdering babies right after they’re born?” Thankfully some nurse friends also involved in the conversation set her straight that that doesn’t happen and late term abortions are because the baby is deemed nonviable and/or there’s a serious health risk to the mother but babies are not just killed after they’re born.

      • @[email protected]
        96 months ago

        Sure they are killed, they are tossed into the dumpster behind the 7/11 since the mother cant afford the baby.

        I am making humor of a dark situation but my morals allow for it so fuck it.

        • @[email protected]
          36 months ago

          This comment was the equivalent of convenience store fried foods. Didn’t do much for anyone, wasn’t in particularly good taste, was a little stale…

          But just like convenience store food…

          I’ll be damned if I didn’t enjoy it just a little bit.

  • @RangerJosie
    306 months ago

    I see my home state is still sending its best pieces of shit.

    • Rhaedas
      226 months ago

      Supposedly Gov. Cooper took his name from Harris’ choices for VP because he was concerned Robinson would try to take control of the state while he was away.

  • rhythmisaprancer
    276 months ago

    Zero weeks just sets an unreasonable standard for fecundity. Oh, you boned, and no baby, jail. Not that six or twelve is better. Especially when these folks dont actually care about circumstances or reality.

  • @[email protected]
    216 months ago

    Anyone with a time machine here? Need you to go back to Feb 18, 1968 and talk his mother into terminating her pregnancy.

  • sarcasticsunrise
    136 months ago

    Mark Robinson has less depth than a leaking kiddie pool. Any politician that brings up their “faith” as often as this piece of shit does to justify their regressive garbage worldview is unserious at best or objectively evil at worst. This room-temperature IQ clown is likely both. Just looked it up and of course he’s best buds with Jason Whitlock. Fucking gross, you’re better than this North Carolina

  • badbrainstorm
    126 months ago

    Shocker: Incel = Super pro life

    Easy take when you drop all your loads at the porn shop

      • badbrainstorm
        116 months ago

        Wow, that’s so much worse!

        I’d honestly never heard of him until the recent news from his favorite naughty shop

      • sarcasticsunrise
        106 months ago

        Yeah, I was gonna say… isn’t this the asshole that had his wife in an ad talking about her abortion that they decided having together??? So he’s calling his wife a slut who couldn’t keep her legs closed, got it. Please tell me this misogynist hypocrite idiot has 0 traction among women voters, dear God please

  • @JeeBaiChow
    96 months ago

    Maybe republicans are just easier to manipulate for any wannabe politician.