These morons don’t even know the difference between “less” and “fewer”.
This implies that eating some amount of kittens is ok
You can have a little kitten, as a treat
There’s a quote in the article, that I’m not going to take the time to copy verbatim, that highlights the problem with bullshit like this. Someone that shared the billboards did so while claiming that mainstream media was covering it up. They (MAGAts) don’t care that everyone from Springfield, OH is saying that it didn’t happen. They don’t care that the moderator fact checked Trump about it last night. They all think it’s part of some grand (replacement) conspiracy where literally anyone who refutes the bullshit is part of the deep state.
Well yeah, they just don’t give a shit. It’s sensational things that immigrants did, who cares that there’s a ton of evidence they didn’t do it.
If I won the lottery, I’d buy so many billboard slots…
No attacks or calls to action. Just pictures of Trump, a quote from Trump, and a citation of where/when Trump said it.
In that position, I’d also run billboards that are purely intended to add some healthy confusion to the world. Like something like the Wall Drug signs that have a message across 3-4 signs sequentially but, replace one with a billboard advertising the virtues of cruciferous vegetables, leaving the “intended” meaning of the sequential signs completely inscrutable.
[blank billboard]
Why do you want to crucify your vegetables
Because they’re tastey, healthy, and all the same species:
Ackshusally, they are suggesting you eat less of the kittens you consume.
They aren’t advocating for saving the kittens, they would just like for people to waste more of the kittens they eat.It should say “eat less kitten” if they were talking about an amount of kitten meat though :p
You guys never seen a Chick-fil-A billboard. That’s what is being parodied here and why they use “less” instead of “fewer”. I was surprised to see multiple people comment on that.
Lol no, never seen one.
The schtick is that the cows write the advertisement saying things like “Eet mor chikin” (instead of burgers, which are cows), and it’s spelled wrong because they’re cows. Chick-fil-A sells mainly chicken.
I’m all for criticizing idiocy where it’s due, but in this case it was likely done intentionally.
Really, this looks like self parody and maybe self harm. Anybody who’s not already a True Believer is going to look at that and lose control of their vehicle laughing their ass off.
The transition to the Onion timeline is now complete
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I’m not seeing any confirmation that these billboards are in fact real other than the Arizona Republican party says so