
Jill Stein is trying to take the Nevada ballot case to the US Supreme Court! It appears SCOTUS may take the case. The Democratic Party messed up 😂. LET’S GO!

[Poster of Dr. Jill Stein captioned with “WE ARE TAKING IT ALL THE WAY.”]

[Highlighted] …fundamentally unfair to invalidate the Green Part’s gathered signatures in light of the Secretary of State’s arbitary and incorrect direction to the Green Party to use the wrong form.


We’re taking the fight for democracy to the US Supreme Court!


Democrats sued to kick the Green Party off Nevada’s ballot even after we got 3x the signatures needed, because NV Sec. of State gave us the wrong form.

When they go low, we go high - so we’re taking it to the highest court in the land. Pitch in to help: http://jillstein2024.com/nv

[Same poster of Dr. Jill Stein]


Source: https://x.com/SabbySabs2/status/1834657385853464671