Former Black Panthers Elaine Brown and Kwame Ture, formerly known as Stokely Carmichael, discuss the ideological principles of the Black Panthers that remain relevant today.

Credit To: Charlie Rose


  1. 00:00 - Intro
  2. 00:37 - Elaine Brown
  3. 07:10 - No Power
  4. 09:16 - Economic Distribution
  5. 11:00 - Racism
  6. 14:54 - Malcolm X

Kwame Ture | Stokely Carmichael | American activist (1941-1998)

Kwame Ture was an American activist who played a major role in the civil rights movement in the United States and the global pan-African movement.

Elaine Brown | American activist |

Elaine Brown is an American prison activist, writer, singer, and former Black Panther Party chairwoman who is based in Oakland, California.