LIMA - The Peruvian authorities said on Sept 16 they had seized about 1.3 tonnes of illegally harvested shark fins, a delicacy in some Asian countries that has placed the predatory creatures at grave risk.

Harvesting often involves catching sharks, removing their fins, and tossing them back into the ocean to die.

According to the Pew Environment Group, between 63 million and 273 million sharks are killed every year, mainly for their fins and other parts. AFP

  • @[email protected]
    13 days ago

    I am really angry about this but I don’t care about the 7 billion chicks that get ground up alive each year.

    • @glimse
      43 days ago

      I get your point but there’s a pretty huge gap between the evils of factory farmed chicken and this. To be clear, I am NOT absolving farms of their wrongdoings here, but comparing the two…

      -Shark fin soup is not something done to feed the nation. It is a “delicacy” (and a pretty shitty one at that. A client hosted a dinner for us in Thailand that included a serving of it and…wow yum flavorless spongey thing) for the upper class. Yes, we could feed the nation with vegetables and the like but that doesn’t change the intent

      -Sharks are nowhere near as abundant as chicks. Farm chickens do not have a positive effect on the world but wild sharks sure do. This is damaging to the ocean ecosystem. Yes, factory farms negatively affect the environment as well, but I am talking about the killing itself

      -The way they’re killed somehow manages to top the inhumanity of killing chicks and chickens. Their fins are cut off and they’re tossed back into the ocean to flop around and slowly starve. If factories are cruel, this is insanely cruel

      -Factory farming is unfortunately legal for some reason. This is not for good reason