Messaging to Extraterrestrial Intelligence (METI), also known as Active Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), is an approach that involves broadcasting intentional signals into space in the hope that an alien civilization might detect and respond to them. This strategy differs from passive SETI, which focuses on listening for signals rather than transmitting them. While the potential benefits of METI are profound, so too are the potential risks. This article provides an objective review of its pros and cons.

Alerting Hostile Civilizations

The primary argument against METI stems from concerns about the safety and security of our civilization. Critics, including renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, have warned that sending signals into space might alert advanced, potentially hostile, alien civilizations to our existence, which could pose an existential risk to humanity.

The Premature Messaging Argument

Some critics argue that we might be too technologically immature to start sending messages to potentially far more advanced civilizations. They suggest that we should wait until we have a better understanding of the universe and potential extraterrestrial civilizations before we start broadcasting our presence.