CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A masked vigilante is credited with halting a burglary in progress Thursday night in Kanawha County.

Kanawha County Deputies responded to a call at a hunting cabin on Crouch Hollow Road near Charleston. When they arrived there were four individuals lying on the ground with their hands bound behind their backs. The tires on their pickup truck and ATV had been flattened. Inside the vehicle, deputies found a number of items which had been pilfered from the cabin.

The owner tells investigators the cabin has been the target of thieves on several occasions recently and a lot of expensive gear and items have been taken in those heists.

The suspects tell police the man who subdued them and made a citizen’s arrest wore a mask. Deputies have determined it was not the cabin owner. Nobody seems to know who the man was.

The suspects are Elizabeth Littlejohn, 36, of Malden; James McDaniel Jr., 50, of Charleston; Timothy Justice, 56, of Milton; and Jason Becher, 38, of Charleston, all face breaking and entering charges. They’re lodged in the South Central Regional Jail.