
• Rockburst risk is discussed, including occurrence conditions, bow-tie analysis, and risk assessment.

• Strategic, tactical, and administrative control methods are presented for rockburst risk management.

• A multiple-line defense system is advocated for rockburst risk management.

• Emerging technologies and challenges are explored, offering insights for advancement.

Mining at depth presents unique challenges, and among the foremost concerns is the occurrence of rockbursts. Rockbursts, characterized by sudden and violent releases of accumulated strain energy within the rock mass, pose significant threats to the safety of personnel and the integrity of underground infrastructure .

As mining activities migrate to deeper ground to extract valuable minerals, the complexities of geology and high mining-induced stresses amplify the risk of rockbursts, requiring a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon and effective control measures…

As emerging technologies, such as advanced seismic monitoring, smart ground support systems, automatous mining equipment, and artificial intelligence, continue to mature, the potential to transform rockburst risk management becomes increasingly apparent. However, the integration of these innovations into existing mining practices requires thoughtful consideration of technical, logistical, and economic factors.

In conclusion, the future of rockburst risk control and mitigation in deep mining lies in a holistic and collaborative approach. A combination of refined mine design considerations, strategic mine planning, ongoing monitoring, rockburst-resistant ground support, and the integration of emerging technologies will contribute to safer and more sustainable underground operations. By collectively addressing challenges and pursuing future research endeavors, mining engineers can shape the future of rockburst management, ensuring the continued advancement of safety and efficiency in deep mining operations.