Every vote for Trump and Harris is a vote for endless war and corporate politics-as-usual.

  • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
    9 hours ago

    Brothers and sisters, every dollar that goes into the coffers of the Israeli war machine is a dollar stolen from the mouths of hungry children in America! The billion-dollar death toll paid for by American workers is nothing less than blood money used to fuel genocide in Gaza—and the Democrats and Republicans are complicit in this slaughter!

    Harris and Trump are two sides of the same bloody coin, funded by the same corporate interests, spouting the same hollow rhetoric while our people starve and the planet burns.

  • Socialist Mormon SatanistOPM
    -139 hours ago

    The US government is spending billions of American tax dollars to fund the Israeli state’s genocidal war on Gaza—at least $10 billion since the conflict began. Medical journal The Lancet estimates that the actual death toll in Gaza could be as many as 186,000 people, or higher. Both Harris and Trump are equally committed to continuing this mass slaughter, and millions of working and young people feel disgusted at being forced to choose between them.

    That disgust is completely justified. Those billions of dollars going toward decimating entire bloodlines in Gaza should instead be feeding the 24 million households in the US who in 2022 reported that they didn’t have enough to eat. In their recent debate, Harris and Trump fell all over themselves trying to say they loved fracking the most, which is an utter crisis for the climate. Billionaires and corporations are backing both candidates, and they’ll be the real winners in November, not working people.

    The Democrats are throwing LGBTQ rights in our faces to try and win our votes, while they’ve been in office during an enormous rollback of LGBTQ rights across the country that they’ve been ineffective at stopping.

    We don’t have to vote for the lesser evil anymore—we don’t have to vote for imperialist, capitalist evil at all. Voting for the lesser evil hasn’t stopped Trump’s far-right politics from gaining support, in fact, the Democrats failing to do anything to meaningfully improve working peoples’ lives has made the right wing stronger and stronger.

    Working and young people who want something better than these two options should vote for an independent, left anti-war candidate: Jill Stein. Stein is calling for universal healthcare, a $25 minimum wage, universal rent control, banning fracking, and ending existing wars. She even got arrested alongside anti-war protestors during the campus encampments last spring.

    Recent polls show Stein ahead of Harris among Muslim voters in several battleground states, including Arizona, Michigan, and Wisconsin. More than half of Americans (61 percent) oppose the US sending weapons to Israel. If even a small fraction of those people registered a protest vote for Stein, it would send a crucial message that we won’t settle for the status quo any longer.

    Every vote for Trump and Harris is a vote for endless war and corporate politics-as-usual. Every protest vote for independent left candidates is a vote pointing towards building a new working class party that doesn’t take a dime from billionaires and corporations, fights unapologetically for working people, and consistently stands with unions and social movements to win real change.

    Voting on its own won’t be enough—there’s a lot more we need to do. But voting for an independent, anti-war candidate is a crucial first step. Vote Jill Stein.