
I’ve suddenly found that I can no longer use my Everdrive N8 Pro at all. It appears that my console, an Nt mini Noir, can no longer boot up at all when this cartridge is connected. I run through it a bit more in this video I just took: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0_gRNZsyOY

But basically, here is a full rundown of the issue:

  • If I have my Everdrive N8 Pro plugged in to my Nt mini Noir, then my console will not boot up
  • If I have my Nt mini Noir in any other configuration, then my console will boot up

Steps I’ve tried so far that have had no effect:

  • Replacing the cartridge battery
  • Cleaning the cartridge’s contacts
  • Cleaning the Nt mini’s cartridge contacts
  • Another micro SD card
  • No SD card

Other misc details:

  • My Nt mini Noir console is running the latest jailbreak firmware (v6.7)
  • My Everdrive N8 Pro is running its latest firmware (v2.15)
  • I purchased this N8 Pro from everdrive.me in August 2020
  • I have not changed any settings or gear of any kind for a very long time, so this is not a result of recent settings changes or hardware changes
  • Up until very recently, this N8 Pro had been working, although it was always somewhat flaky. And what I mean by “flaky” is:
    • The console would turn on normally, but then when I go to run the cartridge, I would get just a blank/black screen
    • The console would turn on normally, and would even load the Everdrive menu correctly. But the menu would have graphics errors, such as a broken/corrupt launcher menu
    • If either of the above issues occurred, I would just turn on console off => on again until it was fixed
  • I unfortunately do not have a Famicom or NES to test this cartridge against those consoles. However, sometime soon I might be able to visit a friend who does, and then I can test my N8 again there

Does anyone have any thoughts? Unfortunately, it looks like my cartridge is outside of the warranty period now :(

Thank you!

(I have also posted this on r/everdrive and r/analogueinc.)

  • @v1605
    25 months ago

    What was your cleaning process for the cart and slot contacts?

    • @smcharlesOPM
      15 months ago

      I opened the cartridge and used 99% IPA and a few cotton swabs to clean the cartridge contacts. Nothing super significant though, the contacts seemed pretty clean. Then I took an air duster and gave the whole cartridge a significant blasting, but really it looked completely dust free as far as I could tell. then I also replaced the battery with a new one.

      As for the console, I was much more gentle with it. Basically just blasted it heavily with the electric air duster. Tried to get in all the nooks and crannies. Again it looked pretty clean really (but the external chassis of the Nt mini definitely needed a good wipe too, it was somewhat dusty)

      Filled out a support request email from krikzz, but haven’t heard back yet. I think the cartridge is definitely dead, so we’ll see what he says