So I wanted to just share a development I’ve came about where I can screech nonstop without any strain. Most times. Otherwise much more has happened. Originally I planned a winged demon hybrid but as time went on. I added a parrot to it. Which if you know the video of the parrot being sang to and sings while tapping glass cups. That was the background to it. So my ribs fused and extended out and out. Soon to create a new look. While my shoulders have got much stronger and growth in trapezius.

I called this fast tracked evolution. basically I started 4 years back growing non mature wings.

Sorry if it’s hard to follow a bit. I ain’t the best at typing.

Some body development to support my wings

Both my arms/shoulder  are 42 inches

Chest is 25 inches  wide

Upper body is 45.5 inches - 49 inches long

Lower body 42 inches long

Feet 14 inches long

Feet 3-4 inches wide

Arms 3 inches wide

LowerLegs 5-6 inches wide

Upper leg 10-11 inches

That’s my body measurements

My wings are near to deployment but my body doesn’t seem to be anywhere near done. I’m excited!

If you wish let’s have open discussion