A prequel anime feature is also currently in development, and it will finally show at least some of John’s storied “impossible task” that permitted him to retire for love.

“Right now, we’re knee-deep in development on a feature anime about John Wick. It’s a prequel to the movies, which is awesome. It’s fun that it’s in a different medium.”

  • @[email protected]
    145 months ago

    Let’s show the mystery that we’ve left ambiguous in the movies so we can destroy the myth and make a few bucks in the process.

    • themeatbridge
      5 months ago

      Eh, I can go either way on this. If the writing is great, and the story lives up to the legend, I’m interested. If it’s going to be a half-assed cash grab, then the world is better without it.

      Prequels can be good, if there’s a good story to tell:

      Rogue One
      Better Call Saul
      XMen First Class The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        Prequel works when it doesn’t explaining something left to the audience imagination in the originals when they doesn’t do that it usually doesn’t live up to expectations.

        Rogue One there’s no mystery is just a mission that the rebels finally succeed against the empire. XMen First Class you could say that the relationship of Charles and Magneto is somewhat ambiguous but in the cartoon they show a version of the early relationship and is different from the movie so anything goes in this story.

        A counter example is the Wolwerine Origins movie that the Logan past is ambiguous, no one knows how old Logan is, why he hates Sabretooth but in this movie they tell this story and is not better than the mystery. Other example is the Han Solo movie, the Kessel Run is better as a mystery of wtf is this than what they show to us.

        John Wick “IMPOSSIBLE” Mission should be impossible. If during the anime in any moment I imagine “john can easily succeed in this shit” the story already failed, worse if is less impactful than any of the four movies.

  • masterofn001
    35 months ago

    Doing anime worked so well with rick and Morty the studios said “that’s how we’ll do more accounting fraud and piss off our fans”

    • @DampCanary
      25 months ago

      They made anime of … cartoon?

      Sooo, they chaned eye shape and removed adam apples.
      Yeah, that’s gonna make it new, totaly new.