Yes, they should be. I think there was a YouTube video about how they are compatible. Off the top of my head, I think the YouTuber was Inkquiring Minds? I can’t access YouTube where I am right now.
They’re well worth trying! I actually prefer the A2, which is kind of their version of the old faceted Decimo. It’s made of plastic instead of metal, and as such it’s lighter and slightly thinner.
Great pen! I have matte black. How is writing with the new texture?
Here it next to the pilot and straight up no worse, the surface is nice but more slippery than Capless
That texture! It looks like a Vanishing Point - is it?
It’s a clone made by a Chinese company. But people seem to love them! I’m considering trying one myself, though I already have a few vanishing points.
I haven’t had the best luck with vanishing point nibs but do have the bodies - do you know if they’re cross compatible?
Yes, they are. You can only get these in an EF nib, but it’s a good writer.
Awesome, thank you!
Yes, they should be. I think there was a YouTube video about how they are compatible. Off the top of my head, I think the YouTuber was Inkquiring Minds? I can’t access YouTube where I am right now.
They’re well worth trying! I actually prefer the A2, which is kind of their version of the old faceted Decimo. It’s made of plastic instead of metal, and as such it’s lighter and slightly thinner.
This textures is new, you should try, A1 is very nice writer
It looks interesting. I just might!
Is it just me do you have massoov hands? The pen looks tiny in your hand.
No, my hands quite normal 😁 Here is apple pencil for scale