In 1876, Leo Tolstoy lamented to a friend that the book he was writing had become “sickening to me,” “unbearably repulsive,” “terribly disgusting and nasty,” and “a bore, insipid as a bitter radish.”

After nearly two years without making any progress, a concert sparked an intense surge of inspiration. Tolstoy wept as the music surged. Reinvigorated, Tolstoy returned to writing, viewing his characters with newfound empathy.

After two uninterrupted weeks of writing, Tolstoy completed what would become his most influential – “Anna Karenina”.

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  • ryan213
    32 years ago

    This post rekindled my my desire to re-read Anna Karenina. LOL

  • @mikezane
    32 years ago

    Should we start a go fund me to send George Martin and Patrick Rothfuss to several concerts?