They’re not behind the trilogy, they’re behind the shitty remasters of the trilogy.
There’s a decent amount of evidence that they weren’t given the time they needed by Rockstar, that they intentionally shipped it out with a shit ton of behind the scenes files in an attempt to assist modders (at the very least it was shoved out the door so fast they didn’t have time to clean the files out of the release directory, holy shit), and members of the studio have repeatedly and consistently reported that they were not permitted by Rockstar to release many bug fixes after the remasters released.
Rockstar holds the biggest blame for this one.
If rockstar and grove street games are distancing from each other the latter probably needs to rebrand.
Again. They rebranded for these remasters already, lol.
Hundreds of fixes when the game needed 500 more and they just stopped updating…
Shareholders: Look, line goes up! That’s great!
Reality: showing graph of number of reported bugs.
Shitty unsuccessful dev. Cry more.