BRUSSELS (AP) — New harmful illicit drugs are inundating a flourishing market for traffickers amid violence and corruption hurting local communities across Europe, the EU’s agency monitoring drugs and addiction said Friday.

The grim finding was part of the agency’s annual report. It also said that drug users in Europe are now exposed to a wider range of substances of high purity as drug trafficking and use across the region have quickly returned to pre-COVID 19 pandemic levels.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    “we have tried nothing and it’s just not working!!”

    What we should do:

    • make drugs even mOaR iLLeGaLler
    • waste even more money on a futile war on drugs
    • continue to demonise drug users by making addiction a purely ethical / moral failing for the weak spirited and poor only
    • maintain a double standard where minorities get prosecuted for drug offenses and rich people can just do whatever they want with impunity

    What we must never, ever do:

    • declare addiction a disease or illness
    • regulate drugs to ensure users are at least getting untainted products
    • god forbid just legalise drugs and take all the control out of the hands of all these evil, evil drug traffickers
    • accept / understand that where there is demand, there will be supply. Somehow we have deregulated every walk of life in favour of rampant capitalism, but selling drugs is only allowed if the people like the Sacklers get to fuck up society

    This sort of fear mongering is beyond insane and completely misses the point that drug policy has completely failed for decades and things won’t improve by sticking with this Nixonian BS that the US forced onto the world in order to destroy the counter culture of the 60s…

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Ironically enough Portugal, an EU member state, did much of the “never ever do” list and it’s been very successful.

    • Riddick3001OP
      1 year ago

      @ Setlnner234,thanks for your comment

      Yeah, I agree that whatever we/ Europe has been doing, hasn’t been working well.

      In the Netherlands we have had a very confusing "tolerance " policy towards (soft) drugs. That used to be way better than many other policies. Of late, there has been unfortunately a notable increase ( or so it appears) of mostly criminal and drugs related violence. Eg. journalists, politicians, lawyers have been ruffled up, killed, and , recently, it seems even Royalty ( our NL Princess) have been threatened.

      In the latter case the main perpetrators were staying abroad in the Caribbean, and were partly originally African migrants. In so far, I got the whole complex story right; it seems to me that drug criminality must be addressed internationally, for it to properly work.

      How this should be done, is by changing the policy. And , atm I would advocate to make a more inclusive drug policy . I mean alcohol, ayuasca, mushrooms, cigarettes, alcohol and paracetamol and ibuprofen are basically OTC drugs.

      And the more harmful drugs, which in abundance is almost every substance ( including oxygen & water), but especially low grade harmful chemicals, should have more attention.

      The how, when, and thr who etc, is completely out of my scope. But it seems relevant to create more awareness on these issues.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        Agreed, I am also not necessarily qualified to solve these issues, but I can see that continuing with current approaches is futile.

        An even wider-ranging view, perhaps, should be to analyse the root causes of why people need drugs.

        Maybe neoliberal policies that continue to impoverish communities, make the rich richer, and the poor poorer aren’t exactly a good foundation for a society in which people feel safe or able to help each other out.

        We have social media companies driving manufactured outrage for profits, politicians jumping on the bandwagon, fighting a culture war to distract from true societal issues and less and less funding for essential public services, especially mental health.

        The world is becoming a less and less desirable place to live in and therefore people choose drugs to cope with working their Amazon warehouse / Deliveroo wage-slave jobs while trying to raise a family in ever-decreasing living conditions.

        I can’t blame people for this. I also see no way out, as these systemic issues directly stem from intrinsic human qualities. We’re borne from competitive savagery and most of those who seek power are the most arrogant and psychopathic among us, so that leaves me with little hope that the system will improve.

        So, for a lot of people, drugs it is.

  • Riddick3001OP
    11 year ago

    Ed: tried to get a picture instead of the “link icon”. Unfortunately I couldn’t manage both, so ofc I went for the link.