I thought it was the opposite - any app should only do one thing?
its about piping one system directly into another for use.
Ah. Yea, I can see that now.
Bad meme then, because I see an All-in-One, therefore shitty, solution.
I litterally need this for a water closet and can’t find a place to buy this type of toilet. Does anyone know how to buy this kind of toilet?
Look for ‘sink twice’
bruh I already looked for it once. I don’t want to look twice 😭
Ngl I want that
I mean you gotta stand over the toilet, or find another awkward position to wash your hands.
Also it’s clear you’ve never maintained an RV. The Grey tank is about 5x worse than the Black tank. Grey is stuff from sinks, black is poo and urine.
Gray is fucking horrendous compared to black. The combo of soap and body oils alone is pretty awful. The toilet will reek, even if it’s getting cycled. That tank will have a constant scum layer and buildup on the walls.
Soap is for people clinging to old tech. We use detergents that rinse clean and don’t strip seasoning from pans in the modern world. This is also not ‘adding to’, it’s reducing.
If this is your idea of something that’s wrong, your definition of wrong or inefficient is clearly busted.
The ‘sink twice’ performs 3 functions in one which is contrary to Unix philosophy (that would have a urinal, toilet, and sink separate) making Unix philosophy look stupid / bloated.
If you really want to pedantic, the sink, commode, and toilet are each individual components that function on their own, using inputs/outputs from the other components
Good point!