Episode one of Separated at Birth? was made 16 months ago after Perseverance discovered a rock that challenged scientific thinking about Jezero crater. Now Perseverance has made an even more disruptive discovery.

  • @SpecialSetOfSieves
    54 months ago

    Moderators, would it be possible to add a pinned post or two, with some resources to give people an overview of what Percy has done so far? The mission website outlines things to an extent, but I’d be happy to add some explanatory material. I’m thinking, to give one example, of a post that shows all the abrasion patches Percy has made to date. IRL I get a lot of blank reactions when I try to show people photos of geological materials on a screen, or comments like, “It’s just a rock. So what?” Seeing all of the holes/patches in a montage would be very illuminating, however.

    If a pinned post isn’t the best way, I’ll go ahead with making a new post each time we get suitable images from a new patch, but it might be difficult to find in a search. I look forward to your feedback.