The immediate cut implies the bulldozer carried on?
these things have at most slat armor that works by disrupting primer, so if something exploded then it didn’t work and someone had a ruined evening
but lack of aftermath makes this assumption reasonable
So I looked up the IDF bulldozer and no, these things are actually fairly armored.
Wild stuff actually
It is called hit and run.
First they hit.
Then they run.
They cannot stand around and wait to get drone striked.
I’m just throwing out there that these videos from hamas are really shit.
Over edited, they confirm nothing beyond “we hit it, maybe”
I’ve seen enough footage from other conflicts to know a hit doesn’t mean anything.
These videos are pure propaganda and they’re seriously just making me chuckle.
I’m thoroughly anti-Zionist but also not rooting for anyone to be hurt in this conflict but these are just embarrassing honestly, lmao.
or “we tried to hit it”, APS is a thing, ERA/NERA is a thing, lack of aftermath really isn’t reassuring
Not sure if you are trolling but these tanks get destroyed by this.
Why would I be trolling?
It’s pretty clear what your bias is, are you?
These videos cut away before we can even identify if anything is actually hit or if it explodes near or if it’s ERA or what.
If you cannot see the direct impact of the strike in the video I recommended an optician.