
Coca-Cola is accused of abandoning its 2022 pledge to use 25% reusable packaging by 2030, quietly removing the goal from its website ahead of global plastics treaty negotiations.

The company now focuses on increasing recycled materials in packaging but faces criticism for greenwashing, as single-use plastics continue to dominate its production.

Campaigners argue reusable packaging is essential to combating plastic pollution, labeling Coca-Cola’s rollback a failure to address the global plastic crisis.

Coca-Cola, often named a top plastic polluter, has yet to comment on the allegations.

  • @[email protected]
    501 month ago

    Never ever believe companies when they make promises like “we will have x by date y”. Especially if date y is further away than maybe the end of the year. Shell also made big promises and then quietly dropped them. Of course the making of the promise came with a big PR budget. The dropping of the plans was silent. Weird how that works…

  • @[email protected]
    101 month ago

    Goals more than about 2 years away are just wishful thinking whether it’s a company or a government.

  • @[email protected]
    51 month ago

    Why wouldn’t they? It will be a bare minimum of four years before anyone in power pressures them on environmentalism, and we all know where literally anything else ranks against profit for corporate America.