
A viral video of a São Paulo police officer pushing an unarmed man off a bridge has sparked outrage across Brazil, highlighting police brutality and impunity under Governor Tarcísio de Freitas.

The man survived, but the officer was arrested, and 12 others suspended.

Critics link the rise in police violence to Freitas’s administration, which aligns with far-right policies of Jair Bolsonaro.

Freitas and his public safety secretary, Guilherme Derrite, have faced backlash for endorsing deadly policing tactics targeting marginalized communities, accused of using violence for political gain.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Sao Paulo police violence had been slowing going down until Tarcisio won as state governor and declare police cameras “woke” and order the police to stop using them. Since that police violence grew up, and now this week, after like 5 recorded cases of senseless violence from the police he declared “lmao, my bad, cameras on the police are actually good and we’re going to bring them back”. Between Rio de Janiro and São Paulo voters you couldn’t count 3 neurons.

  • bean
    13 months ago

    The government is corrupt! Let’s abuse the populace!
