
The Schengen Area, a cornerstone of EU integration allowing free movement across 27 countries, faces increasing strain as internal border checks become widespread.

In 2024, Germany expanded controls to all its land borders, citing rising migration, with other nations like France and the Netherlands maintaining or reintroducing checks.

Critics argue these measures, intended as temporary exceptions, risk undermining Schengen’s principles.

Despite plans to welcome Bulgaria and Romania as full Schengen members in 2025, ongoing debates over migration policy and uneven burden-sharing challenge the vision of a borderless Europe.

  • @[email protected]
    53 months ago

    The only way to fight migration is to improve the conditions in the countries where people are leaving. If life is getting better in their own country, they will stay there as opposed to tracking to other countries in hope of a better life.

  • ms.lane
    23 months ago

    Didn’t Germany spend the better part of a decade chastising Poland for border controls relating to migration?

    Why is it different for Germany?

    • @P1nkman
      23 months ago

      Why? Because Germany is not the same country as Poland. Duh 🙄

      Tap for spoiler
