Data for generalized performance of CAD is harder to find than most people would think. It’s good to understand how CAD is doing beyond the USD comparisons.
I thought the 5-year performance was rather interesting. Despite the relatively poor performance in the last year, our overall performance compared to prior to COVID was quite good. Were the economists right, and spending during the pandemic helped Canada?
By a lot of large national metrics Canada has held up quite well, but figures like the one below is what’s damning about the current government and also why the proposed Conservative ideologies(deregulate, lower corporate taxes and reduce services) is even worse.
That’s also very interesting. Funny how things have only gotten a little worse for the lowest quintile (which surprised me), somewhat more worse for the next 3 quintiles, and yet somehow the top quintile did markedly better. So clearly, businesses (especially big businesses) are struggling. /s