• @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Windows breaks:

    1. find a Windows installation Disc or USB (1 hour)
    2. backup files from broken installation (2 hours)
    3. Install windows (15 minutes)
    4. Install Windows updates (8 hours) 4a. Debloat/Decrapify Windows (30 minutes)
    5. Restore backed up files (2 hours)
    6. Find and install previously installed programs (??? Years)
    7. Try to remember accounts and special settings for special previously installed programs (3 hours)

    Done in 16 hours

    Linux Breaks

    1. Find Linux Live USB (5 minutes)
    2. Reinstall Linux (10 minutes)
    3. Install updates (20 minutes)
    4. Reinstall previously installed programs (5 minutes)

    Done in <1 hour and spend the rest of the weekend playing Elden Ring

    Separate /home partitions are a godsend.

    • @[email protected]
      3 months ago

      Windows breaks:

      1. find a Windows installation Disc or USB (1 hour)

      Linux Breaks

      1. Find Linux Live USB (5 minutes)

      You know both of these are easy to find on the internet, right? Why the 55 minute discrepancy? Is Microsoft throttling your download?

      Install Windows updates (8 hours)

      I guess they are throttling your downloads. What did you do to piss them off?

      Separate /home partitions are a godsend.

      And easy to do in windows if you care to spend a few minutes. People praise Linux because it’s customizable then bitch about windows forcing them to customize.

      There are so many legitimate things to whine about in windows. It kills me to see people lash out in ignorance and just hardcore make shit up

      • @[email protected]
        23 months ago
        1. People with Linux installations tend to have Linux LiveUSBs already created, so finding one is faster. Most people don’t keep Windows installations handy, so it takes a while to locate the Media Creator online, download the file, and begin the process

        2. Or if you are someone like me, who keeps an older build of Windows 10 on a flashdrive, the updates require multiple restarts, before being able to install the Feature Updates. Maybe 8 hours is a stretch, but it certainly feels like it

        3. It’s possible to do separate %userprofile% drives, sure, but it feels clunky and can’t be done during install like you can with Linux

        It’s funny you talk about people making shit up when my post is slight satire in response to the pure satire meme. Maybe you should talk to OP instead.

        • @[email protected]
          3 months ago

          People with Linux installations tend to have Linux LiveUSBs already created, so finding one is faster. Most people don’t keep Windows installations handy, so it takes a while to locate the Media Creator online, download the file, and begin the process

          Your failure to prepare is Microsoft’s fault.

          Or if you are someone like me, who keeps an older build of Windows 10 on a flashdrive, the updates require multiple restarts, before being able to install the Feature Updates. Maybe 8 hours is a stretch, but it certainly feels like it

          How is this different than installing from an Ubuntu 20.04 disk? Another failure to prepare.

          can’t be done during install like you can with Linux

          Sure it can. All you need is an answer file. You can put that on your USB, and it’ll become the default just like Linux. It’s actually significantly easier to customize a windows installer than most Linux installers.

          It’s funny you talk about people making shit up when my post is slight satire in response to the pure satire meme. Maybe you should talk to OP instead.

          OP seems to understand this community in a way that you don’t. OP is also making legitimate criticisms of some members of the Linux community rather than lies born out of ignorance of the product he is criticizing.

          • madthumbsOPM
            -13 months ago

            Sure it can. All you need is an answer file.

            -And they’ve been doing this since I can remember (at least 20 years).

            OP seems to understand this community in a way that you don’t.

            -OP made, built, and mods this community. -Thanks for the great, appropriate responses!

    • @[email protected]
      13 months ago

      Separate /home partitions are a godsend.

      That is exactly the problem. I have used Mac OS for decades and never had to do that. Reinstalling without losing any data was always possible.

  • @[email protected]
    23 months ago

    Sorry but what the heck are you talking about?

    I’ve used Linux on a personal computer for many years now, no problems at all. Runs rock solid.

    What are you even trying to achieve with all these posts? Is it some kind of tongue-in-cheek “backfiring” for all the anti-Windows memes that Linux users make up? Or is it something else?

  • @DragonsInARoom
    13 months ago

    More like the people who have spent 15+ years compromising just so they can use Linux on everything, even when the average person would’ve gave up by now

  • madthumbsOPM
    -73 months ago

    Or team up with buddies on Discord and vote brigade.

      • madthumbsOPM
        -23 months ago

        It’s a problem with the karma system and it’s promotion of misinformation.

        Myths about cast iron were debunked over 20 years ago. There are scientific data sheets showing thermal properties of various metals. Kenji Lopez-Alt published reproduceable results of a flour test on cast iron and a clad pan. Many people have shown you can cook steak perfect in steel. An obviously fake steak posted there got hundreds of updoots. A perfectly cooked steak that I used an air-fryer (lowest setting) and finished in stainless got 0 simply because I posted how I did it.

        -The steak sub on reddit contintues to romanticize cast iron for mythical properties (at least they did a couple years ago before I muted it) and will likewise down-vote to hell factual information that dispells their nonsense). -This sub is far from alone, there are many promoting misinformation (and Kenji romaticized cast iron in his book after 2 chapters of bragging about being scientific). -(just a single example out of many I could give)

        -It’s what kept me initially from reddit alternatives. (They did nothing to correct the inherent problems of the karma system).

        Vote brigading / manipulation is punished on reddit with life time bans, and even Reddit is not able to stop it from being a major problem. Other sites like facebook and youtube know to hide the negative votes. (you can see the positive through p.lemmy.world -maybe others). -So at least you can see that people liked something here.

        The brigading would be obvious to admins here too. If you look at old posts in this community, they were obviously brigaded while the positive votes that over-took them trickled in slower and over time.

        If I could, I’d turn the karma system off. People should have to defend their disagreement with words and let the reader decide. They shouldn’t have to go to a ‘sucks’ community to find out the flaws that get buried or aren’t well received in echo chambers. They should be able to block an unlimited amount of users without it breaking the site (I know Reddit will break).