EIJING, July 29 (Reuters) - The frequent dispatch of ships and aircraft by certain unnamed countries to “show off their military force for self-interest” has raised tensions in the East and South China Seas, China’s defence ministry said on Saturday.

In comments about a Japanese defence report flagging Chinese threats, ministry spokesperson Tan Kefei said the actions have seriously aggravated regional tensions, even as overall situation in the East China Sea and South China Sea was generally stable.

Tan said Japan’s annual defence paper projected a “wrong perception” of China, and “deliberately exaggerates the so-called Chinese military threat”.

China has lodged stern representations to Tokyo, expressing resolute opposition to the paper, he said.

He also reiterated that Japan has continuously interfered in China’s internal affairs, violated international relations norms, undermined the foundation of Sino-Japanese relations and aggravated the situation in the Taiwan Strait.