Perseverance rover checks out its new location after a drive to the West of 119 meters (390.7 ft) during sol 866 (July 28, 2023). Attached are the 5 post-drive tiled NavCam mosaics acquired on completion of the drive at site 42/776. The rover’s total traverse since landing is 19.2 kilometers (11.93 miles). The rover completed the drive at a slightly higher elevation 0.35 meters (1.14 feet). Airfield Xi, the helicopters landing location at the end of flight 52 is to the West of the rover. The distance between Perseverance and Ingenuity at airfield Xi is 164.2 meters (538.7 feet). Since the drive the helicopter has been busy sending images from earlier flights to the rover for onward relay to Earth. Image credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Steven Albers

    • @paulhammond5155OP
      22 years ago

      It is going to drive Westward (past Snowdrift Peak) towards Fall River Pass where the helicopter landed after flight 52.

      I’m waiting for the data from a drive on sol 868 that has taken it closer to the helicopter (maybe only 90 meters away) but it looks like it did not reach the Pass in the drive on 868 (need more data)

      I have some images from the new location, I’ll be sharing as soon as they are properly processed