But then I grew up back when if you wanted to play a game, you had to use tokens…
The reason why those old ancient board games are so rare to find is that the game boards and pieces were usually destroyed due to them being used as blunt force weapons to murder the winner. Rage losers have been ruining games for thousands of years.
That must be why the one in King Tut’s tomb had obviously never been used.
Is the top image a type of mancala? One of my favorite games growing up, but I’ve never seen one with different style pieces or a center row like the blue one. If someone can link to it or name it so j can Google it I would be appreciative.
I think its the oldest known board game if I’m remembering right.
The Royal Game of Ur is older. Senet is based on it.
Here’s a video of Irving Finkel (considered the world’s expert on ancient Mesopotamia and also one of the world’s top beard-growers) playing the game with a YouTuber named Tom Scott: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZskjLq040I
Oh, props to you for posting a senet game!