BMW is using augmented reality to keep your eyes on the road.
The one innovation I’ve wanted from this tech: a digital liquid crystal black circle that automatically blocks the sun from your eyes.
In Canadian winters the sun sets and rises at peak commute hours, and it mixes with all the salt on your window to blind you both ways.
And if the system confuses ridiculously bright oncoming headlights for the sun, all the better.
Yeah I’m okay with that.
This was my million dollar idea but it’s totally outside my wheelhouse to create.
As long as it works it’s neat… Gives a new terror to the blue screen of death
BMWs software always seems to suck…
Most cars have shit software wherever you deal with it. Infotainment systems. Anything with a touchscreen. Hell, just the radio before we had touchscreens was often shit if you had an MP3 or USB with more than 256 songs.
Sure, my bmw seems to get into a boot loop using Bluetooth half the time, so I’ve just given up on that.
Okay. I think you win. I can’t say I’ve ever had that issue.
No doubt free for the first three years of the car’s life, then subscription only
Fuck off BUMW
Make cars dumb again
A loooong time ago there was a car commercial about tech a company was working on where one of the features was an infra-red heads up display. At night you would see wildlife and other warm blooded animals (like humans) light up on your windshield. That way you could see if something or someone was about to cross in front of you from the side of the road. I wish someone would make that happen.
Ah yes another medium for advertisements.
if only cars wouldnt have eye tracking, some inovations may be cool. but not this way.
Why you need a whole windshield display?
The most essential features are: gear selection (when AT), e(lectronic)-brake, AC controls, navigation, radio/bluetooth.
No more distraction during a ride.Eyes pointed in the direction of the road, but focused on the immediate foreground is not ‘On the road’…