• @JubilantJaguar
    82 months ago

    Excellent news and it can’t come soon enough.

    Seems to me this is a good example of China’s positive influence in the world (to go alongside the negative, of course). Until recently the USA was the model for the world’s aspiring middle classes (Europe never counted for some reason). This was a problem because there is just no way that 8 billion people can all live in suburban McMansions and drive SUVs. By building a bunch of first-class metro systems and a giant high-speed rail network, basically overnight, China has suddenly shown an alternative path. India seems to be copying it. Thank goodness.

    • @fne8w2ahOP
      32 months ago

      Meanwhile 'Murican auto addicts:

      bUt tHaT’S c0mMun1Sm!