A federal judge has temporarily blocked Arkansas from enforcing a law that would have allowed criminal charges against librarians and booksellers for providing “harmful” materials to minors.

  • Cyv_
    111 year ago

    Good, stop attacking libraries, parent your children. If you don’t want Timmy reading books from the YA section at 6 years old, then don’t let him check shit out from the YA section. Lazy fuckin dumbshits.

    • Unaware7013
      31 year ago

      It’s not about what their kids can read, they don’t want anyone’s children to read them. The entire point is to limit the perspectives available to children so they don’t grow up seeing LGBTQIA+ people as people who deserve rights like “”“”“normal”“”“” (in their mods) people get. They want them to go back into the closet where they don’t have to think about or, dare I say it, admit to themselves that they are interested in those “”“”““yucky””“” behaviors.

      These people freak out over the increase in LGBTQIA+ identification, as if people didn’t previously feel this way, they were just too scared to say anything because they didn’t want to end up like Matthew Shepard.

  • @BossPaint
    61 year ago

    It’s really sad this whole ordeal is happening in my neck of the woods. I watched one of the city council meeting where books being banned was being debated and the only person really making the case to ban them was a suited up guy from out of town.

    It’s all Astro turf and bs for conservatives to latch on. Good people are fighting though so I have faith.

    • @doppelgangmember
      51 year ago

      Let’s get started with religious texts then.

      malicious compliance

        • @buddhabound
          1 year ago

          The courts did not return them. The school board did. The same shits that said certain books were pornographic determined that a text (Bible) with worse stuff in it was fine.

          According to that school board:
          Religious books with gay sex = fine.
          Other books with gay characters= not fine

          • soratoyuki
            11 year ago

            Edited! Thank you for the correction. I was clearly too tired when I posted.