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We need to use our momentum from getting out the vote for Jill Stein’s antiwar pro-worker campaign to fight the rich and their two parties. To end the wars and the genocide in Gaza. To fight against racism, sexism, and all forms of oppression. To organize protests and strike actions to win a $25/hour minimum wage, Medicare for All, quality affordable housing, and good union jobs for all.

Both Democrats and Republicans are a dead end for workers, the union movement, and the antiwar struggle. We urgently need a new, independent, antiwar, working-class party that can take on the billionaires & warmongers and BREAK the two-party system.

Register now for Workers Strike Back’s February Organizing Conference SATURDAY, Feb 22 @ 10 am PT![1]

Link to signup for event:

Title Edit: To Be Announced -> Langston Hughes Performing Arts Center

  1. [1] ↩︎

    • @jimmydoreisaleftyOPM
      -12 months ago

      It will take place in Seattle, WA, which is in the United States.

      They may also stream it on their websites and youtube channels.

      More information below.

      Here ya go:

      February 2025 Organizing Conference: Fight the Rich & Their Two Parties

      Saturday, February 22, 2025 | 10:00 AM 5:00 PM

      To Be Announced | Seattle, WA United States (map)

      Link to signup for event: