This is part 4 to Mr. Block goes to the Dakota Harvest; part 1, part 2, part 3


Panel 1-2:

Mr. Block: Harvest is over and three dollars is all I’ve got out of it. The Eastern newspapers told a lot of lies when they claimed that a man could make a little fortune here in Dakota. The average wage was only two dollars a day. I had to pay board and then lost time on rainy days. Now I am here, thousand miles away from home.

Panel 3-4:

Mr. Block freighthopping: I have to beat it back home again. Yes, conditions they are bad. I almost feel cheap that I opposed the I.W.W.'s but they are too radical and besides if I join I may never get a job again.

Panel 5:

rail cop finds Mr Block in the freighter: Get out of here. You’re under arrest for beating your way on a railroad.

Panel 6:

Mr. Block sitting in a prison labor yard: Two months and three dollars fine. I never go harvesting no more.

IWW bug: I bet you’ll be back next year with the rest of the suckers