The run was going awesome! +2 Blazing Hand Axe on a statue, +1 Leather from the Ghost, and wand of Lightning just sitting on the floor (cursed but also a Scroll of Remove Curse) All on floor 2. Then I died a minute later…

I jumped into a well room and spawned the wraith. Rather than hit it with my Cleric spell, I stupidly zapped it with my Wand of Lightning at point blank range while at 3 HP. ☠️ Literally killed myself. Could have drank my water after jumping. Didn’t. Could have passed a few turns to digest. Didn’t.

The seed was such a good start that decided to copy the seed and try again. (DNK-CWK-VJR, btw)

And then I died a second time within 6 tiles of my first death! I was at 2 HP and starving put me at 1, so I ate food. Why use my water when I can heal from food, right? Well, I forgot how long it takes to eat food and the snake in the room reached me and killed me.

Time for a third try! It was such a great start. I want to see how the rest of the seed turns out.

  • @chonglibloodsport
    52 months ago

    Could the issue be playing the same seed? Familiarity can sometimes bring carelessness and sloppiness as you rush to get past where you were before.

    • @CrayonRosaryOP
      32 months ago

      Naw, I’m just dumb for not healing. 😁

  • @buo
    52 months ago

    LOL, that’s a good one :-)

    I love (in a weird way) how unforgiving SPD can be. I’ve died more times due to my own mistakes than to the game beating me.

    Recently I was trying to win the game with five challenges. I was having a great run, near the end of the caves, going swimmingly. Having “on diet” on, I was at about 20% HP. I found a wand of corrosion, and I said, it’s quite unlikely to be cursed, I’m just gonna zap that DM-200 over there.

    Needless to say, the wand was cursed, it created some sort of huge lightning bolt, I was dead and my great run was over. All because I was unwilling to wait to verify the wand was not cursed.

    • @CrayonRosaryOP
      22 months ago

      Wow, I’m not familiar with that effect. I usually regret cursed wands when they trigger the Anti-Entropy and freeze my target and set me on fire. That hurts!

      • @buo
        22 months ago

        Yeah, I think that’s the only time I’ve only seen that effect.

  • @[email protected]
    32 months ago

    Yeah replaying seeds is pretty fun. You get to see where your mistakes are in regular games. It could also push to make new ones if you’re not careful. when dropped donw in pits, I try to have a plan for dealing with the wraith, as things can get extremely bad very quickly if you’re not prepared.

    • @CrayonRosaryOP
      32 months ago

      Definitely. With Priest it’s super easy. You have a 1 charge spell that’s guaranteed to kill a wraith. I decided to use the wand instead because I’m bad at this game.