It’s a piece from last year but Homestead CLT needs to be more widely known. My wife and I are born and raised here and didn’t think we would ever be homeowners, but thanks to the program we have have had a house for 4 years now. Our mortgage is cheaper than rent and our property taxes are fixed to the same below market rates the program locks our home value to.

This program should be expanded on and offered to everyone, not just qualifying families. Fuck private property.

    • @SunforgedOP
      11 year ago

      Unfortunately it’s not as common as it should be. In Homestead there are about 250 houses in the program with another 200 in various stages of waiting to build.

      Because the program is limited in capacity folks that are still priced out of ownership might not qualify due to earning just a but more than the program allows. Happened to friends of ours because declared tips put them $4,000 above the income limit, they ended up moving to the Midwest.