a liberal tried to steal my penis when i was just a child but luckily he only got away with part of it and my father said the same thing happened to himself and his father before him so it just goes to show how deep this goes we have time traveling deepstate liberals after our manhood
How ironic, given that Trump and the right just accidentally outlawed being male with that ‘gender at conception’ order.
My penis would appear to be in danger from all sides 😔
That’s just an average Tuesday night in my world.
They’re in cahoots with the illegal aliens.
I sometimes put mine in the medicine cabinet after a night of drinking because I have a Detachable Penis! Detachable Penis…
This is mystical shit!
I have too much penis. Penis for sale! Very cheap, rarely used, quite small.
a liberal tried to steal my penis when i was just a child but luckily he only got away with part of it and my father said the same thing happened to himself and his father before him so it just goes to show how deep this goes we have time traveling deepstate liberals after our manhood
These people work on projection.
These people regularly attack trans folks.
Deduction: they are jealous over the penis-lacking.
I’m sure if the cowardly trans haters just grew a pair and asked nicely, they could get their penis stolen too.