ok so heres the thing about mens rights
i know some people are gonna say oh here we go again with the patriarchy and toxic masculinity and oh chad youre just being a misogynist or whatever but hear me out because this is important and its about time someone spoke up about the struggles men face in this society
i mean think about it
we live in a world where men are constantly being emasculated and having OUR PENISES BE TRY TO GET STOLEN BY LIBERALS a liberal tried to steal my penis when i was just a child but luckily he only got away with part of it and my father said the same thing happened to himself and his father before him so it just goes to show how deep this goes we have time traveling deepstate liberals after our manhood
and dont even get me started on the whole getting pegged thing i mean what is even that its like women dont want men to be pegged as management material or something im not sure but real women support mens rights including mens rights to get pegged
obviously the patriarchy isnt real
i have to do whatever my wife says and if i hit her back i go to prison and people think men run this place yeah right
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they even have a name for this that makes it so much more heinous
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Neither do I but it’s certainly not Chad mctruth
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i had to change my name and photo to throw off the feds or whatever deepstate mole we have here downvoting me but i can prove its me
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Sure, if she was from Texas and taught Spanish class with a very bad accent
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You do you, but I prefer this style of Pegging:
Where do I nominate this for post of the week/month/year?
we really do need to get a bigger discussion started about mens rights and theres a community called [email protected] if you really think this post deserves it that could be a great way to spread the word but i think ive written some way better stuff to be honest i mean i spent hours writing up my nutrients recipe
edit please do it i already bragged on facebook about getting nominated