Starring Charlie Kirk, Kevin Sorbo and Jesus Christ - An Adventure 6,000 Years In The Making (the entire age of the Earth) - Click Imgur Link To Watch Trailer

    • @rockNproleOP
      21 month ago

      That is one big pile of shit. No! How did I forget to add that quote to the audio?! That was Trump appointee level incompetence on my part. I’ll tell you what it was, I let my work day distract me from my important tasks. It won’t happen again!

      • @NegativeLookBehind
        21 month ago

        I forgive you. Please do a Beavis and butthead version for the two human shit-stains he calls sons.

        • @rockNproleOP
          11 month ago

          He has sons?! I actually have 2 characters of Ben and Charlie as teens, I make them by hand out of paper then take a picture, remove background and make little shorts. You gave me a great idea though. I actually used the B&B couch for one video. I’ll share once can embed, here’s a still from it though.

        • @rockNproleOP
          11 month ago

          I did something similar actually. The characters are hand made out of paper, I just snap a pic and remove background. Charlie and Ben as teens

  • @rockNproleOP
    21 month ago

    On a separate topic: If anyone knows how I can post embedded video on Lemmy, please let me know.

    • @[email protected]
      31 month ago
      1. Upload the video somewhere you get a direct link to the file. Not a webpage, just the URL for the mp4/mkv/webm/etc. Note that Imgur (literally short for image url) and recently make it difficult or impossible to use their media embedded on other pages. Here are common options that work nowadays:
        • a. your Lemmy instance’s default host aka pict-rs (not recommended) – the web GUI usually allows the upload of pictures and often also video. Depends on the instance’s configuration, which isn’t usually public, but I think the defaults effectively force you to upload a WEBM file with VP9 video and optionally OPUS audio, less than 10 MiB, and no more than 900 frames. This is very limiting and you need some encoding skills. Instance owners already have lots of struggles keeping servers running so don’t give them extra data to host.
        • b. (recommended) – huge community-funded server for embedded media. Semi-frequent outages.
        • c. make a GitHub repo for your images – may be cumbersome but hosting your images is now Microsoft’s job and they have a blazing-fast, reliable CDN
        • d. create any GitHub issue, upload your files, grab the links and close the issue – Microsoft keeps hosting the files and they aren’t visibly tied ro you. However, they have no real obligation to keep them hosted forever.
      2. Paste the media link into Lemmy:
        • a. For posts, make a Link Post and paste it as the post link. Optionally, add a transcript or thumbnail URL into the appropriate fields.
        • b. For post or comment text, use this syntax: ![optional alt-text](