Either it was a local thing (I originally got the picture at Good Will) or my search skills are lacking. My wife loved it so I wish I could get her a reproduction.
Amazing! Were you already familiar with it? If not, how did you find it?
Thank you very much.
Not familiar, used Google image search on my phone. Where you can circle things on your screen, added art to the search and popped up pretty quick.
Weird, I’ve done that a bunch of times with no results. Genuinely, thank you for finding it.
Nothing came up for me, until I tightened in on just the print. Leaving the frame selected threw Google off the trail.
Perhaps that was it; it’s been a long time since I looked for the picture and I just posted it here on a whim, so I can’t guarantee I never searched for it that way.
Thank you to both you and the OC for following up.
wow, champion right here
Beans ARE beautiful. https://beaninstitute.com/ https://bean.idaho.gov/bean-facts/ https://usdrybeans.com/ I’m suggesting, buy some beautiful beans, put them in jars and take a picture. And then plant them, harvest them, sprout them, cook them, share them, and save some to grow next year. It’s bean done before, and so it can bean done again.
There are definitely jewelry worth bean varieties out there.
I’m thinking P. coccineus earrings. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phaseolus_coccineus 3-4 would fit across a standard banana cross section.
Adenanthera pavonina seem particular good for jewelry but maybe it wouldn’t be considered a “bean”.
Lot’s of seeds might be good for jewelry/ adornment. Doubtless we’re not the first humans to consider this matter. I’m gonna go out on a botanical limb and say this ain’t no bean. And it’s darned pretty!
Oh no it is a whole thing in native cultures. The species I linked is a legume but does match the bean form factor.
Very early on we knew seeds were special things.
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Could always just get a shelf and some mason jars filled with various beans to recreate the image, but in 3D.
I took a crack at it myself, nothing.
At first glance, I thought it was a south park reference. I don’t think that anymore, but I wouldnt be surprised to find out it was from a show of some kind.
Like the middle jar could be a character with a red hat/hair who wears camo.
Either way, good luck!
Thank you for trying!
Oh my gosh. This is amazing.
You could probably commission an artist to reproduce it for you (obviously it wouldn’t be exactly the same), but expect high prices for custom artwork. Painting takes time and expensive materials.