Trump presented his ethnic cleansing plan as if he had the best interests of the Palestinians at heart. As if he was saving them from a disaster-prone earthquake zone, not from a genocidal neighbour he counts as Washington’s closest ally. His comments were greeted with shock and horror in western and Arab capitals. Everyone is distancing themselves from his blatant backing for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza’s population.

But these are the same leaders who kept silent through 15 months of Israel’s levelling of Gaza’s homes, hospitals, schools, universities, libraries, government buildings, mosques, churches and bakeries. Then, they spoke of Israel’s right to “defend itself” even as Israel caused so much damage the United Nations warned it would take up to 80 years to rebuild the territory - that is, four generations.

What did they think would happen at the end of the wrecking spree they armed and fully supported? Did they imagine the people of Gaza could survive for years without homes, or hospitals, or schools, or water systems, or electricity? They knew this was the outcome: destitute Palestinians would either risk death in the ruins or be forced to move out.

And western politicians not only let it happen, they told us it was “proportionate”, it was necessary. They smeared anyone who dissented, anyone who called for a ceasefire, anyone who went on a protest march as an antisemite and a Jew hater.

  • @Hobbes_Dent
    751 month ago

    If the US “owns” Gaza, as Trump insists, it will also own Gaza’s territorial waters, where there just happen to be fabulous quantities of untapped gas to enrich the enclave’s new “owner”. Palestinians have, of course, never been allowed to develop their gas fields.

    Trump may even have let slip inadvertently the true death toll inflicted by Israel’s rampage. He referred to “all of them – there’s 1.7 million or maybe 1.8 million people” being forced out of Gaza.

    The population count before 7 October 2023 was between 2.2 and 2.3 million. Where are the other half a million Palestinians? Under the rubble? In unmarked graves? Eaten by feral dogs? Vaporised by 2,000lb US bombs?

    • @A_A
      30 days ago

      2 days ago my guess was 200k to 500k+ murdered by these monsters.

      ref. to Lemmy comment here

      Hiding the genocide is high on Israeli priorities list and so in USA’s priorities list. This why we don’t know yet if it is 200,000 or 500,000 or more. But eventually we will know.

  • @[email protected]
    351 month ago

    Oh look, another episode of “let’s pretend we care”. The whole thing is a masterclass in cognitive dissonance.

    These “leaders” are like NPCs in a badly written game – first they’re all “defend yourself bro” while Gaza turns to dust, then suddenly they’re clutching their pearls when someone actually says the quiet part out loud.

    The brutal truth? You don’t systematically obliterate infrastructure and then act surprised when it becomes uninhabitable. That’s like setting fire to someone’s house and then being shocked they can’t live in the ashes.

    Western propaganda machine working overtime to paint protesters as the bad guys while they’re literally cheerleading for apocalypse. It’s peak hypocrisy, wrapped in bureaucracy, served with a side of selective amnesia.

    • @Pfeffy
      530 days ago

      first they’re all “defend yourself bro” while Gaza turns to dust

      Oh come on that’s total bullshit… They called anybody who tried to defend themselves a terrorist.

      • @shalafi
        730 days ago

        “bro” being Israel in this case.

  • LustyArgonian
    29 days ago

    People do not understand the significance of BRICS at all and BRICS currency. There is a concerted, sophisticated effort to get as many precious metals, gold, and oil claimed by BRICS countries as fast as possible before the BRICS currency comes out (backed by those same materials).

    Look at a list of the countries with the most gold (that they admit to having). The ones that aren’t BRICS include Canada and US for example. Look in Africa - the countries with precious minerals are the ones being fought over. Even Ukraine is being fought over partially due to minerals.

    Putin owns Trump.

    And Trump even helped out China when he withdrew from the UN Special Counsel - now China is the president. Trump is also helping out China’s claims to the South China Sea by renaming the Gulf of Mexico and trying to lay claims to it. Trump mainly helps Russia because they are the ones who own him (hence his anti-China rhetoric that is intra-BRICS competition) but Russia has deals with China they just settle (eventual takeover of Taiwan being an obvious one).

    Hamas imo kidnapped those people due to KGB or other encouragement, then Israel/Netanyahu refused to rescue them and used them as proxy hostages against Biden to secure money because they had a deal with Trump and Putin. See Reagan and the Iran hostages that won him the elections - same thing. Otherwise the ceasefire in May 24 would have been agreed to (because Netanyahu thought Trump was going to lose and got cold feet, and maybe in a better timeline he did). I doubt Israel realizes that Iran, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and all the other Islamic BRICS countries are going to backstab them for that space which is pretty sacred to them.

    Russia needs the US to become Nazis because that’s what they justified the Ukraine War on and that’s what they will use to invade us and Canada and Greenland for our resources. They need us to have a civil war and to be dying and poor etc before they invade.

    Trump will also be starting massive drug trafficking and human trafficking organizations. He also expanded the death penalty.

    Eta: Assad also operated some of the most sophisticated and efficient death camps in modern times, and fled to Russia. The death camp thing is very real and happening.

    Eta2: Israel confirmed to have implemented Hannibal directive, preventing Hamas from taking more hostages (which would’ve caused pressure for a hostage trade and ceasefire)

    • @IndustryStandardOP
      -130 days ago

      Hamas imo kidnapped those people due to KGB or other encouragement, then Israel/Netanyahu refused to rescue them and used them as proxy hostages against Biden to secure money because they had a deal with Trump and Putin

      • LustyArgonian
        29 days ago

        I linked… so many reputable sources. The book American Kompromat alone is solid.

        Maybe people are talking about Russia being an issue because it really is an issue. I assume you’re a psyop, because everyone else in the entire world is aware of the vast Russian and BRICS propaganda networks. That’s why there have been GLOBAL protests including in Georgia and Romania and today in Slovakia.

        You aren’t even able to directly refute what I’m saying because every time the ceasefire didn’t happen, it was because of issues surrounding the hostages. Russia admitted to working with Hamas.–Hamas_relations#:~:text=Russia has diplomatic relations with,hard line against Islamist terrorism.

        I’ll circle back here in another month when it’s shown I’m right yet again. It’s boring atp, eventually we’ll all be dead and no one to say “I told you so,” to

        • @IndustryStandardOP
          130 days ago

          Or wait listen to this crazy idea: Palestinians were locked in a concentration camp and fought back!

          Here is a great video made by an Israeli about what happened.

          • LustyArgonian
            -230 days ago

            Yeah I’m good, 1 YouTube video isn’t going to negate the immense amount of geopolitical information that confirms what I’m telling you.

            • @IndustryStandardOP
              29 days ago

              You do not have information. Your comment was a ramble of incoherent and unconnected actors.

              If you think Russia was controlling Joe Biden who was sending 5 gazillion dollars in bombs to keep Israel’s genocide going, you might want to rethink a lot of things.

              • LustyArgonian
                29 days ago

                Have you read American Kompromat? What about seen Active Measures? What about the literal protests happening TODAY in Slovakia? What about Georgia? What about Romania? South Korea?

                American hostages were being used against Joe Biden, just like when Regan and Iran used American hostages against Carter. It’s really not a leap.

                May you suffer for hiding this information and pretending it isn’t real. May as much harm come to you as you have done to the world through suppressing it. I curse you.

                • @IndustryStandardOP
                  29 days ago

                  Once again Biden held all the leverage on Israel. But he bypassed congress to send Israel bombs.

                  Your argument makes zero sense it requires no literature to understand who held the strings.

                  Your entire argument hangs on pretending it was Trump in charge during the 15 months of genocide. But he was not. Biden was in charge.

                  It is not Putin but Israel controlling America.

  • @yesman
    21 month ago

    I was confused by Trump’s plan, because you’d think Israel would oppose it. But what if Trump is trying to extract Gaza as quid pro quo for American aid?

    • @[email protected]
      430 days ago

      At this point in time the oligarchs and politicians are simply playing Risk, dividing up the globe for themselves.

      Whoever ends up with the most nations under their control wins.

  • @[email protected]
    -21 month ago

    Biden also lied about it, so let’s remember they are all guilty - most of fucking Washington is complicit in this

    • @JeeBaiChow
      -81 month ago

      So you put makeup on your face before you feed it to the leopards? Kinda like icing?

  • @Mrkawfee
    1 month ago

    Biden bankrolled the last 15 months of this Holocaust. Harris would have continued it. Every President kneels before Netanyahu. Every President is AIPACs bitch.

    Once the US is history, history will not be kind.

    • @[email protected]
      141 month ago

      On the plus side by helping get Trump elected you’ve made transgender people afraid to go outside and set back the civil rights movement to the early 70s. So you didn’t actually stop the genocide, you just helped accelerate it, and screwed over a bunch of minorities! What a big win for you!

      • @JeeBaiChow
        41 month ago

        Don’t forget their kids will have a substandard education now that trump is taking that down as well.

      • @Mirshe
        230 days ago

        Don’t forget ICE going into schools and boarding schoolbuses so they can arrest Hispanic-looking kids. They didn’t just accelerate the genocide, they imported it home.

    • @[email protected]
      01 month ago

      AIPAC didn’t donate to the presidental election. Adelson did give Trump $100m for the west bank though.