Game #371
Shortest path: 8 (Avg. 7.2)
Total words: 22 (Avg. 19.2)
🟦🟦🟪🟪🟪🟪🟥🟥 | 🔥 2
  • @[email protected]
    122 days ago
    Game #372
    Shortest path: 4 (Avg. 4)
    Total words: 43 (Avg. 43)
    🟦🟪🟥🟥 | 🔥 1

    Tried this one again today for the hell of it, and my previous impression stands:

    Ranting Opinion

    This is the most frustrating “game” I’ve been introduced to via this community. “Trainwreck Labs” is an appropriate name for the developer, because this is a full-on Casey Jones disaster. Even after reading the “logic” they provide, the connections are nonsensical garbage. Finding the answer isn’t even gratifying, it’s more of a sense of “well that’s finally over.” It’s like playing 20 Questions with a five-year-old who cheats.