In case you need any more help getting pumped throughout the day.

  • @btmoo
    22 years ago

    I kinda hope it’s different than the beta. I really didn’t care for this music nearly as much as DOS 2. Kinda overwrought sounding.

  • @melonpunk
    12 years ago

    Have only just started the game so haven’t heard much of the music. I have to say though that “down by the river” song during character creation was not good. Not only were the lyrics really weak sounding, it didn’t feel right to have someone singing down my ear as I was trying to read the spell and ability text.

    Personal preference and all that, but the “lah di dah hmmmm ooooooh” vocal work in fantasy music is very overdone and often these days just sounds like what you’d get from some royalty free site. I certainly think it can still be done well, but it has to be done well to not sound like generic fantasy.mp3