• Elevator7009
    23 days ago

    Hey, nice to see someone other than @[email protected] posting!

    For those who do not want to watch this video, I yoinked the 7 games from the video’s description (and am thankful to the video creator for doing that in the first place!). Might add the links back in later (copying just lead to “https://store.steampow/…” and did not give me the full link, as I’m posting from mobile). If I don’t do that, just open the video and go to the description. The links will be clickable there.

    1. ENDLESS Legend 2 | 0:29 Platforms: PC

    2. Atre: Dominance Wars | 2:44 Platforms: PC

    3. Liegecraft | 4:02 Platforms: PC

    4. Yield! Fall of Rome | 6:01 Platforms: PC

    5. Feudums | 7:40 Platforms: PC

    6. Elaborate Lands | 9:43 Platforms: PC

    7. Beyond Astra | 12:05 Platforms: PC

    Bonus: Civilization VII (in 2 years) | 14:54 Platforms: PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Switch