
I’m sure the US would have been fine if China had been micro-managing Mexico for years after helping violently remove Mexico’s elected leader and replacing him with one more pro-China and anti-US, then moving to put Mexico in a China-led military alliance.

DC: no problem.👍


Here we have Victoria Nuland in 2016, openly testifying before Congress about just how deep the US was in running Ukraine’s government after the 2014 coup. She laid it all out: US advisors embedded in 12 Ukrainian ministries, American-trained police in 18 cities, the US Treasury shutting down 60 Ukrainian banks while shielding depositors’ assets, and a cool $266 million spent on training Ukrainian soldiers.


[Video | https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1895571124190146560/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/mhKfVtrrJgubSWN_.mp4]

Transcript: https://www.foreign.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/031516_Nuland_Testimony.pdf


Source: https://x.com/ggreenwald/status/1895826408758538338